Certi W ®, an international company, provides certification services of management systems, processes, products and services. Certi W ® has always been synonymous of real independence, impartiality, competence and quality. Starting in 2019, Certi W ® decides to design and disseminate, protecting the intellectual property, CertiDiWersity © a new certification scheme with a proprietary trademark in a first phase referring to its own technical specification then also adopting the well known international standards that define requirements and related guidelines on diversity and inclusion. Certify the process of managing the inclusion of every diversity (gender, race, religion, etc.) is the most transparent way to communicate to all the real company commitment on the subject. Only these companies will be authorized to use CertiDiWersity © the distinctive trademark to be instantly recognizable in the market. CertiDiWersity © will be the trademark licensed for use only to those companies certified by Certi W ®. For all interested parties CertiDiWersity © trademark will be a guarantee of ethics, transparency and inclusion.
The real challenge of this millennium for companies that must operate in a globalized society is to adopt an integrated, effective and efficient management of all policies inclusive of all diversity, maximizing the potential benefits and minimizing costs. So the idea of the “Award CertiDiWersity ©” that will be awarded periodically to companies or individuals who have demonstrated particular merits and / or results in implementing diversity inclusion policies.
for information: certidiwersity@certiw.com