News and Media
ISO 37001:2025 – Just published!
Riga (LV), 01.03.2025 – The new International Standard ISO 37001 has been officially issued on 2025, 28th of February. The standard will replace the previous (2016) edition of Anti-bribery management systems standard. Organizations owning the ISO 37001:2016 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source: Certi W ® press office)
Gender equality and women’s empowerment ISO 53800:2024 – Just published!
Riga (LV), 16.05.2024. Despite real progress, gender inequalities and gender-based discrimination still remain widespread throughout the world in all areas. Societal gender role expectations towards female and male behaviour are reflected in the very functioning of organizations, including their culture, processes, and hierarchies. The persistent gender inequalities within organizations mirror the structural discrimination faced by women and girls in society. The purpose of this standard is to provide guidelines, definitions, procedures and tools (including a framework, resources, policies, tools and good practices) to public and private organizations to encourage, support and guide them in making sustainable progress in promoting and achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment, both internally and externally. It is intended to promote a common understanding on the issue of gender equality and to complement other instruments and initiatives on the subject. Additionally, this document has been developed in a manner consistent with other ISO initiatives and instruments such as ISO 30415. It aims to provide guidance to organizations in fulfilling their obligations in relation to gender equality and the UN’s 2030 Agenda (in particular SDG5 on gender equality).
(source: Certi W ® press office)
Addition of Climate Change notes to the Management Systems Standards
Riga (LV), 29.02.2024. Two amendments have been just published by ISO related to ALL management systems standards. Certified organisations should ensure that they have considered Climate Change aspects and risks within the development, maintenance, and effectiveness their own management system(s). Climate Change, along with other issues, should be determined as relevant or not and if so, considered within an evaluation of risk, within the scope of the management systems standards. Where an organisation operates more than one management system (for example Quality Management and Health and Safety Management), it should ensure that Climate Change, if determined to be relevant, is considered within the scope of each management system standard. It is noted that some climate change aspects and risks may be of a general nature, independent of the applicable management system scope or the industry (e.g. when related to regulatory compliance or operational adaptability and organizational resilience), while others will be specifically indexed to the requirements of the management system standards, to specific industries (e.g. energy production, agriculture and fisheries) and to characteristics of the organization (e.g. geographical location, nature of its supply-chain or workforce dynamics).
(source: Certi W ® press office)
Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Riga (LV), 23.01.2024. EU Directive no. 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning corporate sustainability reporting (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – CSRD) and published on 2022, 16 December in the Official Journal of the EU introduces from 1 January 2024 the obligation to communicate non-specific information finance for large businesses. Large companies (in terms of employees and turnover) as well as listed companies, but also non-European companies with subsidiaries and branches in Europe and with revenues exceeding 150 million euros, are obliged to draw up and make their Report of Sustainability public (on data relating to the year 2023). The Sustainability Report must adopt drafting principles (such as those defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards) and can be subject to verification by independent bodies and third parties with respect to the company responsible for drafting it and the company according to two levels, reliability verification of the reported data: “reasonable assurance” and “limited assurance”.
(source: Certi W ® press office)
Italia, pari opportunità di genere ed inclusione. Pubblicate le linee guida per le stazioni appaltanti
Roma (I), 10.10.2023 – Pubblicato in gazzetta ufficiale italiana il DPCM del 20.06.2023 “Linee guida volte a favorire le pari opportunità generazionali e di genere, nonché l’inclusione lavorativa delle persone
con disabilità nei contratti riservati”. Le stesse sono ad uso delle stazioni appaltanti per la costruzione dei disciplinari di gara, evidente il peso dato alla Certificazione CSR (BS PAS 24000, ISO 26000 ed alla datata SA 8000) e ad indicatori chiave per un sistema di gestione delle risorse umane per l’inclusione delle diversità di cui alla norma ISO 30415 che assume una grande rilevanza per le imprese che – implementandola all’interno della propria organizzazione – avranno uno strumento efficace per tenere sotto controllo, tra gli altri, gli indicatori evidenziati del DPCM avendo la possibilità di darne anche evidenza con una certificazione di terza parte (leggi qui).
(fonte: CertineWs ®)
ISCC – International Sustainability & Carbon Certification
Riga (LV), 25.04.2023 – Certi W ® has been approved and have signed the related cooperation agreement for the execution of audits for the ISCC EU ( ISCC EU – ISCC System ( ) and ISCC EU PLUS ( ISCC PLUS – ISCC System ( ) schemes.
(source: Certi W ® press office)
ISO IEC 27001:2022 – Just published!
Riga (LV), 26.10.2022 – The new International Standard ISO IEC 27001 has been officially issued on 2022, 25th of October. The standard will replace the previous (2013) edition of Information security management systems standard. Organizations owning the ISO IEC 27001:2013 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs ®)
Fake certificates
Riga (LV) 05.09.2022 – On August 31, 2022 Certi W ® discovered a scam of fake certificates issued by an elusive organization called “BGDS – Business Global Development Standardization Ltd based in UK (”, accrediting itself as Certi W Baltic. Certi W ® is totally unrelated to this organization and has initiated a legal action to protect its own image and credibility at international level. All holders of “fake certificates” are encouraged to contact us if necessary and in any case to take appropriate legal action against this organization and their shareholders. (source: Certi W® risk mgt)
ANAC, Italia, ISO 9001 e attestazione SOA per le imprese di costruzione
Roma (I) 15.06.2021 – Con un comunicato del Presidente l’ANAC, Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione, conferma la piena validità delle certificazioni ISO 9001:2015 ai fini della attestazione SOA (Società Organismo di Attestazione) delle imprese di costruzioni secondo quanto previsto dall’articolo 84, comma 4, del decreto legislativo 18 aprile 2016, n. 50 (codice dei contratti pubblici) rilasciate da Organismi di Certificazione accreditati da Organismi Nazionali di Accreditamento se firmatari di accordi di mutuo riconoscimento EA MLA. Per il comunicato completo clicca qui. (source: Certi W® risk mgt)
Human resource management, Diversity and Inclusion, standard #ISO30415 just published!
Riga (LV) 04.05.2021 – The standard, certifiable, supports organizations to embed D&I (#diversity & #inclusion) in their workplaces by providing guidance and methods on prerequisites for demonstrating ongoing commitment to D&I, accountabilities and responsibilities for D&I, approaches to valuing diversity and fostering development of an inclusive workplace and identifying D&I objectives, opportunities and risks, actions, measures, outcomes and impacts. (Fonte: )
Compliance management systems standard #ISO37301 just published
Riga (LV) 23.04.2021 – The standard, certifiable, specifies requirements and provides guidelines for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining and improving an effective compliance management system within an organization. It is applicable to all types of organizations regardless of the type, size and nature of the activity, as well as whether the organization is from the public, private or non-profit sector. All requirements specified in this standard that refer to a governing body apply to top management in cases where an organization does not have a governing body as a separate function. (Fonte: )
Licensees: important to #keepintouch
Riga (LV) 04.05.2020 – Certi W ®, also in the interest of its customers, needs to know any problem of a legal nature concerning health and safety (and in particular the occurrence of a serious incident or breach of regulation necessitating the involvement of the competent regulatory authority), environment, corruption, management of personal data and any failure to comply with laws in general. (source: Certi W® risk mgt)
Licenziatari: importante #restareincontatto
Riga (LV) 04.05.2020 – Certi W ®, anche nell’interesse dei propri clienti, deve conoscere qualsiasi problema di natura legale in materia di salute e sicurezza (e in particolare il verificarsi di un grave incidente o violazione delle norme che richiedono il coinvolgimento dell’autorità di regolamentazione competente), ambiente , corruzione, gestione dei dati personali ed eventuale mancato rispetto delle leggi in generale. (fonte: Certi W® risk mgt)
#coronavirus emergency: what you need to know
Riga (LV) 08.03.2020 – Due to the persistence of the global emergency Certi W ® intends to reassure all its licensees everywhere in the world by providing some important information. All inspection and assessment activities are carried out regularly everywhere. Certi W ® staff is continuously informed on the evolution of the emergency and on the procedures for carrying out operations in total safety, in compliance with each rule issued by each country worldwide and adopting the best practices known to contain the biological risk referred to in the emergency in progress. Therefore, to better organize and plan the activities at your organization, you can contact our offices in the area or your assigned assessment / inspection manager, agreeing on the best solution in compliance with international standards and legislative obligations issued by each country to manage the emergency. (source: Certi W® risk mgt)
Emergenza #coronavirus: cosa c’è da sapere
Riga (LV) 08.03.2020 – A causa del perdurare dell’emergenza globale Certi W ® intende tranquillizzare tutti i propri licenziatari ovunque nel mondo fornendo qualche importante informazione. Tutte le attività ispettive e di verifica vengono svolte regolarmente ovunque. Il personale Certi W ® è informato continuamente sull’evoluzione dell’emergenza e sulle modalità di svolgimento delle operazioni in totale sicurezza, nel rispetto di ogni regola emessa dal singolo Paese e adottando le migliori pratiche conosciute per contenere il rischio biologico di cui all’emergenza in corso. Pertanto per organizzare e pianificare al meglio le attività presso la propria organizzazione è possibile contattare i nostri uffici sul territorio o il vostro responsabile di verifica assegnato concordando la migliore soluzione nel rispetto delle norme internazionali e degli obblighi legislativi emessi da ogni Paese per gestire l’emergenza. (source: Certi W® risk mgt)
Brexit officially becomes law after Queen signs off
Riga (LV) – Brexit was finally passed into law the last 2020, 23rd of January with royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II — leaving the UK set to finally leave the Europen Union starting from 2020, 1st of February after almost four years of bitter debate. It is important for all concerned to verify the impact on certification and accreditation. Below is a brief guide issued by the European Commission.
CertiDiWersity© by Certi W Technical Specification has been just released!
Riga (LV) – After months of work and experimentation (on site too) carried out mainly in Italy, Certi W ® announces to have officially issued its own CertiDiWersity ® Technical Specification. CertiDiWersity ® is an innovative and accurate model that sets the minimum requirements for a company that wants to demonstrate to third parties the ethical management of its management process strategically oriented to the inclusion of every diversity with the aim of increasing efficiency and innovation.
(source Certi W Italy)
Certi W ® advertising SPOT
The Certi W®official 2019 advertising SPOT, produced by Evoque Art House (imago distribution) has been just released (Director Mauro John Capece).
The Certi W® official 2018 advertising SPOT, produced by Bielle Re (imago distribution) is available in English and Italian. (Director Edo Tagliavini).
Italian version:
English version:
ISO 21001:2018 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The new International Standard ISO 21001 has been officially issued on 2018, 2nd of May. The standard will replace the previous edition of Management Systems for Educational Organizations standard ISO 29990:2010. Organizations owning the ISO 29990:2010 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 21001:2018 (english version)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 21001:2018 (italian version)
ISO 21001:2018 Training Course (italian version)
ISO 50001:2018 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The new International Standard has been officially issued. The standard will replace the previous edition of Energymanagement systems standard ISO 50001:2011. Organizations owning the ISO 50001:2011 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 50001:2018 (english version)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 50001:2018 (italian version)
ISO 50001:2018 Training Course (italian version)
ISO 20000-1:2018 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The new International Standard has been officially issued. The standard will replace the previous edition of IT services management systems standard ISO IEC 20000-1:2011. Organizations owning the ISO 20000-1:2011 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 20000-1:2018 (english version)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 20000-1-2018 (italian version)
ISO 22000:2018 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The new International Standard has been officially issued. The standard will replace the previous edition of Food safety management systems standard ISO 22000:2005. Organizations owning the ISO 22000:2005 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 22000 (english version)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 22000 (italian version)
ISO 22000:2018 Training Course (italian version)
ISO 45001:2018 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The new International Standard has been officially issued. The standard will replace the Occupational, Health and Safety standard OHSAS 18001:2007. Organizations owning the OHSAS 18001:2007 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 45001 (english version)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 45001 (italian version)
ISO 45001:2018 Training Course (italian version)
Certi W e Green Building Council
Roma (I) – Certi W Italia dal Dicembre 2017 è Socio di GBC Italia. Il Green Building Council Italia (GBC Italia) è un’organizzazione senza scopo di lucro il cui fine è promuovere la collaborazione tra tutti I settori della proprietà immobiliare, dell’edilizia, del governo, delle università e tutti i portatori di interesse con l’obiettivo di trasformare il patrimonio costruito nazionale in un patrimonio edilizio sostenibile, adeguato rispetto alla cultura alle tradizioni, all’architettura e all’ambiente Italiano.
Certi W ed EBAFoS
Roma (I) – Certi W Italia in data 8 Febbraio 2018 riceve l’accreditamento EBAFoS diventando quindi Organo Territoriale per la Formazione (OTF). EBAFoS, Ente di riferimento per i lavoratori e le Imprese, opera a favore del miglioramento della qualità dell’occupazione. È, inoltre, impegnato a diffondere le azioni e le soluzioni più significative con la formazione sulla sicurezza sul lavoro in qualità di Organismo Paritetico Intersettoriale e Soggetto Formatore.
ISO 13485:2016 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The new International Standard has been aligned with respect to the new ISO 9001:2015; increased focus on the entire supply chain and risk management, assuring stakeholders that the requirements are met at every stage of the product lifecycle , from design and development to production , installation until issue.
Organizations owning the ISO 13485 certification will have three years for the transition.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 13485 (italian version)
Certi W ® Transition Plan ISO 13485 (english version)
La certificazione della Tradizione e della Qualità
Per la rivalutazione di cultura, valori e tradizione
Roma (I), 04 Febbraio 2016. Si è concluso con l’accordo di partnership tra il Real Circolo Francesco II di Borbone e Certi W ®, Organismo di Certificazione Internazionale, il lungo percorso del gruppo di lavoro che ha sviluppato un Disciplinare Tecnico (Certi W ® TS 0003/RCB) che fissa i requisiti di “Qualità” per fregiarsi del prestigioso marchio previsto per l’imprese che ne rispetteranno gli stringenti requisiti fissati.
A firmarlo il Presidente del Real Circolo il dott. Paolo Rivelli ed il CEO di Certi W ® l’ing. Giuseppe Lepore convinti di avviare con questo un difficile ma importante percorso per la rivalutazione della cultura, delle radici, dei valori e della tradizione dell’ex Regno delle Due Sicilie.
Il Real Circolo Francesco II di Borbone è una associazione apolitica, senza fini di lucro, che persegue finalità di promozione della cultura del Meridione d’Italia, dell’antica “patria napolitana”, attraverso la riscoperta della storia del Regno delle Due Sicilie, dei valori identitari di questa antichissima e nobile nazione, del suo patrimonio culturale, della cultura cristiana e dei suoi valori, attraverso attività volte alla valorizzazione delle risorse territoriali, del patrimonio architettonico, artistico e ambientale.
“Proprio in virtù di questi principi fissati dal nostro statuto che hanno il fine di promuovere la conoscenza e la diffusione della cultura e delle tradizioni del Meridione – riferisce il dott. Paolo Rivelli – il Real Circolo ha avviato questo progetto di certificazione unico nel suo genere e che per la prima volta punta ad individuare soggetti che rispondano a requisiti di tradizione e cultura dell’Italia Meridionale (ex Regno delle Due Sicilie) nell’erogazione di servizi, nei sistemi di produzione, nell’ubicazione e nella tipologia storica delle strutture, nell’utilizzo e coinvolgimento diretto o indiretto dell’artigianato e dei prodotti tipici locali.”
Le competenze tecniche ed il soggetto attuatore prescelto in esclusiva è Certi W ®, Organismo di Certificazione Internazionale, già unico Fornitore della Real Casa Borbone delle Due Sicilie, che da subito si adopererà nella verifica e nella sorveglianza delle imprese che aspirano ad ottenere questa prestigiosa ed unica certificazione di conformità.
“I requisiti da rispettare per le imprese aspiranti al prestigioso marchio di certificazione sono stringenti – aggiunge l’ing. Giuseppe Lepore – la nostra sorveglianza attraverso ispezioni dirette ed attraverso il continuo monitoraggio dei comportamenti sul mercato dovrà garantire il Real Circolo e tutte le parti interessate in relazione al reale possesso dei requisiti certificati. Di rilievo è il fatto che Certi W ® potrà segnalare al Real Circolo candidati per l’ottenimento anche del prestigiosissimo brevetto di Fornitore della Real Casa Borbone delle Due Sicilie che l’azienda che rappresento ha avuto l’onore di ricevere lo scorso anno”.
“L’attuazione di questo progetto – conclude il dott. Paolo Rivelli – consentirà di creare quindi dei veri e propri itinerari identitari delle tradizioni, che possano fornire agli utenti interessati a conoscere la antica cultura del Meridione d’Italia, che ben si identifica nel ex Regno delle Due Sicilie, una mappa delle aziende che rispettano e contribuiscono al recupero e alla diffusione di processi produttivi, che coinvolgono prodotti tipici e artigianato locale. Inoltre questa iniziativa ci permetterà di indicare anche le istituzioni locali che promuovono il recupero delle tradizioni, usi e prodotti tipici e gli operatori che tendono a tutelare e promuovere la nostra identità. In altre parole per la prima volta si certifica la Tradizione e la Qualità della nostra cultura”
Per maggiori informazioni:
Certi W ® – Organismo di Certificazione Internazionale
Giuseppe Lepore:
Real Circolo Francesco II di Borbone
Paolo Rivelli:
ISO 9001:2015 Training Course (italian version)
ISO 14001:2015 Training Course (italian version)
Certi W® Transition Plan ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (english version)
Certi W® Transition Plan ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (italian version)
ISO 9001:2015 – Just published!
Riga (LV) – The latest edition of ISO 9001 ISO’s flagship quality management systems standard, has just been published on 2015, 23rd of September. This concludes over three years of revision work by experts from nearly 95 participating and observing countries to bring the standard up to date with modern needs.
With over 1.1 million certificates issued worldwide, ISO 9001 helps organizations demonstrate to customers that they can offer products and services of consistently good quality. It also acts as a tool to streamline their processes and make them more efficient at what they do. Acting ISO Secretary-General Kevin McKinley explains: “ISO 9001 allows organizations to adapt to a changing world. It enhances an organization’s ability to satisfy its customers and provides a coherent foundation for growth and sustained success.”
(source ISO / CertineWs)
The newly revised ISO 14001 is published!
Riga (LV) – One of the world’s most popular standards for environmental management has been revised on 2015, 16th of September, with key improvements that make it fit for the future.
ISO 14001:2015 which sets out the requirements for an environmental management standard, is one of the world’s most widely used standards and a key business tool for many organizations. With more than 300 000 certificates currently issued around the world, it ranks high on the agenda of many organizations worldwide who place importance on their environmental impact.
A newly revised version has just been published, to ensure it remains relevant to the marketplace. ISO 14001:2015 responds to the latest trends, such as an increasing recognition by companies of the need to factor in both external and internal elements that influence their impact, including climate volatility.
Other key improvements in the new version include:
A greater commitment from leadership.
An increased alignment with strategic direction.
Greater protection for the environment, with a focus on proactive initiatives.
More effective communication, driven through a communications strategy.
Life-cycle thinking, considering each stage of a product or service, from development to end-of-life.
(source ISO / CertineWs)
Roma (I), 02.23.2015, cambiano le norme dei sistemi di gestione per la qualità e l’ambiente: Certi W “Italia” lancia il suo programma di formazione ed informazione. Certi W ® ha progettato e reso disponibili specifici moduli formativi, indispensabili per la gestione ed il corretto recepimento delle novità introdotte, per imprese, consulenti, auditor, ricercatori e formatori aziendali. Per informazioni e per ricevere il programma dettagliato invia una mail a (fonte CertineWs)