Complaints & Appeals

If Certi W ® receives complaints about your organization within the scope of your registration, which proves on investigation to be well founded, Certi W ® will:
a) require remedial action within a specified time; or
b) withdraw or suspend Registration if the complaint is irremediable or not remedied within the specified time.
If you have cause to complain regarding the provision of Certi W ® services, the complaint must be made to the Certi W ® Compliance & Risk Manager will investigate the complaint in a timely and responsible manner.
At any case, Certi W ® will send a written response to the complainant.
Where you are unable to resolve any dispute relating to your Registration by discussion with your designated Team leader, you may appeal in writing to the Certi W ® Compliance & Risk Manager.
The Certi W ® Compliance & Risk Manager will investigate the appeal in a timely and responsible manner.
At any case, Certi W ® will send a written response to the claimant.